Wednesday, May 29, 2013

We discovered Georgia O’Keeffe’s life and her artwork by evaluating her unusual perspective on natural objects she painted.

O’Keefe pizza box steps:

1.      Students designed their flower and drew it onto their pizza box.
2.      With watered down Glue All students dipped paper towels into a bowl of glue and squeezed any extra glue off.
3.      Next students sculpted their flowers by draping the dipped paper towels onto the pizza box and over the sides too.
4.       After glue dried students painted their flowers


  1. What type of paint did you use? Acrylic? Poster? Other? This is an amazing project as a follow up to an art history lesson on Georgia O'Keefe!
    Thanks you!

  2. How much water would you say you added to the glue? Is this just elmers glue? Awesome project!

  3. I did this in kindergarten over several days. It wasn't just like the picture, but was still fun and we watched a couple videos on YouTube on O'Keefe.

    1. Did you use white Elmers glue? How much water did you add to the glue?

  4. I am interested in knowing the ratio of glue to water and the type of paint used,

  5. yes, me too! water to glue ratio??

  6. What kind of paint did you use?
